18 August, 2021

Vermilion Provincial Park

By now we were used to the routine of being at the house and going away on a camping trip on the weekend. It came as a bit of a surprise to all of us to discover that our final 'weekend' camping trip in Alberta was mistakenly booked for Wednesday through Saturday. After a little hasty planning and packing on Tuesday we were off on Wednesday morning for the short trip east of Edmonton to Vermilion Provincial Park.

After the fishing excitement from the Goose Lake trip a couple more fishing rods had been purchased to see what we could pull from the trout pond at Vermilion. Unfortunately it seems most or all of the stocked trout had already been pulled out by the time we got there. We failed to get anything like a bite while fishing at the pond. There were one or two busy beavers on the river though.....

It was a pretty relaxing time though with continued good weather and plenty of entertainment from the dozens of prairie dogs.
As well as relaxing around the site we played games, flew kites 

and explored the town. Unfortunately there were only S'mores on the first night. We purchased firewood for the first night but on Thursday we were told we should not have been sold the wood due to the extreme fire risk and there being a complete ban on outdoor fires.

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