12 August, 2021

Constable Chelsey Robinson Park

Having had time to recover from the drive we were by now getting out and about a little more and with the heatwave continuing where better to head to next than a spot where we might be able to cool off in the water.

So we headed south to the Constable Chelsey Robinson park on the North Saskatchewan River where we had a good time. The park is in quite a valley and there was a fair breeze blowing which helped cool us a little. The water was not too cold at all, however the current a little way from shore was EXTREMELY strong so we didn't venture too deep but I'd like to have known how the folks on the island in the middle of the river made it out there!

1 comment:

Gill Bentley said...

This was such a great spot to cool off and relax. Will have to go back there for sure. That current though was quite nerve-wracking to have kids in..