12 August, 2021

Edmonton High Level Streetcar

 Since seeing the Edmonton High Level Streetcar promoted by Michael Portillo on British TV it's been on my radar as something to visit when the opportunity arose and what better opportunity than being in the Edmonton area for a few weeks. The streetcars (of which there are 3 or 4)

For a few dollars we purchased our return tickets and patiently waited for the streetcar to emerge from it's garage as we we there for the first journey of the day.

This streetcar was actually imported from Melbourne, Australia when the streetcar system there was no longer required (or was upgraded?)

Then the car was reversed alongside the platform to allow us fare paying passengers to board.

With a good complement of passengers we finally set off for the journey from the Strathcona district, across the river to the Jasper terminus, a distance of about 3km.

Along the way are various stops where, if you are so inclined you can get off to explore and re-board a later streetcar.


The streetcar passes over the high level bridge from which you can get great views of Downtown Edmonton (note Alberta Legislature on the left hand side of picture, just above the treeline) and the surrounding area.




After reaching the Jasper terminus we walked back a little way to the Alberta legislature gardens for more sightseeing of the legislature, the gardens and get a different view of the high level bridge. You might notice that in this shot of the legislature from 'the ground' you cannot see the green clad scaffolding just below the cupola that is visible in the picture of downtown (and that's a good thing!).

After exploring we headed back up to the streetcar stop nearest the legislature just in time to catch it back to the Strathcona terminus.









 Arriving back in Strathcona we spotted an interesting looking building opposite the streetcar barn which turned out to be the Connaught armoury as well as some modern day murals.

Then it was back to our car and head back to base.

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