17 September, 2021

Thunder Bay to Sault Ste Marie

 Before moving on from Thunder bay did you know that the city of Thunder Bay was previously two towns by name of Fort William and Port Arthur? The two towns were amalgamated on 1st January 1970.

By now we had seen all that we planned to see and stopped at all the points of interest we'd identified so we were keen to get home although we still had around 1500km to go!

We pulled out of our lonely campground at Fort William Historic Park on a Monday, shortly before 8am, and headed north east on highway 17, stopping in Nipigon to gas up. Shortly after leaving Nipigon we were overtaken by the woman we had met at the Virden Lions campground the previous Thursday. However it was not long, somewhere between Terrace Bay and Marathon, that it was our turn to overtake her as we spotted her pulled into a rest area, sat at a picnic table having lunch and she spotted us us we passed.


We pulled into a rest area just past White River for lunch at 12.45pm
The rest area was pretty popular considering it's location but we found a good enough spot for lunch and a short nap!

The river alongside the rest area is actually Depew River and after stretching my legs after a nap we headed off once more at 2pm. Driving south, still on highway 17, we soon arrived at Wawa that we were somewhat familiar with, having stopped here when heading west. 


We had posted pictures previously of the Wawa goose but we didn't post anything about the totem poles, so here they are.....












Well, OK then, here's couple of our picture by the goose!

Once more we headed south and aimed for Sault Ste Marie where we (or at least me!) planned to boondock for the night.We arrived in Sault Ste Marie shortly after 6pm where we filled up with gas at a Petro Canada gas station that I'd previously marked as being a place to also boondock. However we didn't particularly like the look of the place for boondocking, it was OK but just didn't feel right. After using the Petro Canada wifi we travelled a little further down the road into a Wal-Mart where, of course, boondocking is always allowed. Imagine our surprise as we pulled into the parking lot to find a whole load of other RV-ers already stopped and obviously also boondocking here - quite a community. 


There were approximately 20 RVs in many shapes and sizes (including one motorcycle with trailer that had a tent built into it), including one parked in isolation at an adjacent Home Depot parking lot.

Did you notice that once again we have a picture of the trailer with a Canadian flag flying above it!

We thought about unhitching the trailer and driving off to find a KFC as that was what we fancied for supper but where was ta KFC? I headed over to the Wal-Mart entrance to get onto their wifi and a quick search showed me that there was  KFC just 400metres from where I stood! No point driving there, so we walked down the street, crossed over a junction and there it was, yeah! A good size bucket of chicken pieces, fries and root beer later we were set for the night although we did wander around Wal-Mart to give them some business before we settled in for the night.

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