03 September, 2021

Almost there - back to Ontario

Having spent the night at the Virden Lions Campground in Manitoba we were looking forward to getting back into Ontario even if we'd still be several days from home!

It was a bright and sunny morning and after breakfast as we were getting ready to pull out we had another chat with our lady neighbour with the two dogs. Although she was having a short drive today so was also getting ready to leave Virden. We finally got away at 8.23am, not too tardy! More gas and settle in the car for the next leg.

On the drive west we had driven through Portage La Prairie looking unsuccessfully for something I had wanted to visit just because it was there (or supposed to be) and I wanted a picture. I'd done a little more research on exactly where to go and so it was about midday when 

we pulled in to a Canadian Tire parking lot and walked down to side of the store to see..... the LARGEST Coke Can in the world!

To get some perspective let's put someone there!


A few pictures, a little shopping at Canadian Tire and WalMart then continued east to find somewhere for lunch. An hour later we arrived at Tim Horton's for our lunch break.



Now we just had to navigate past Winnipeg and we should have an easy ride into Ontario. Unfortunately we didn't make it as easy as it should have been. We missed, or ignored, the turning that would have taken up south and around Winnipeg but decided that going through Winnipeg couldn't be that bad could it? Winnipeg proved to have quite a bit of traffic and construction involving one or two detours.

Consequently the drive through Winnipeg was pretty slow though we grabbed a shot of Union Station as we passed slowly by!

Finally putting Winnipeg behind us we crossed into Ontario shortly before 4.15pm Central Time.

Around an hour after entering Ontario we arrived at our destination for the day at Rushing River Provincial Park. We managed to get set up and find something to eat before a decent thunderstorm arrived.

I had wanted to stay here two nights but in this unusual year it was all I could do to book a spot for one night, it didn't help that our arrival day was a Friday - just when people would be arriving for their weekend camping trips. The brown/yellow sign you can't fully see reads 'Sorry, Campground full'.

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