05 May, 2007

Getting upto speed

Us with mother in her back garden...September '06

Well we finally got upto speed by signing up for DSL instead of dial up so now we might be able to catch with the rest of the world a little now.

After selling up our house in Williamsburg, VA, and leaving the USA behind, we finally arrived in Berlin, Germany for a new job on 22nd Feb. 2007.

We spent a few weeks in the 'Townhouse' apartment hotel, stuck in the middle of nowhere except that it was 3 minute walk from the hotel apartment to my desk within Rolls-Royce Germany at Dahlewitz (about 20 miles south of Berlin centre).

Here's a few pictures of the Townhouse apartment and our little hire car we had for a month with RRD in the background.
Watch this space and we hope to get upto date before too long.....

1 comment:

Gill Bentley said...

Yay Dad! I'm so glad you guys got a blog page.. Now we can keep up to date with each other like this.. I hope that you enjoy it.
Gill x