28 May, 2007

A fine day out

Monday, 28th May was another bank holiday here, the fifth in as many weeks. Although the weather on Saturday and Sunday was not particularly good holiday weather with sun but frequent, prolonged showers, at least Monday the weather seemed to be more settled and promising.

Since we had heard that Potsdam was a nice place and with mum and Bridget's arrival in less than two weeks, for a week with us, we decided that we'd better check the place out first.
We drove the 20 miles at a steady place and parked on the street in what seemed to be a deserted section of downtown Potsdam. Quiet as it was, we were in the right place and quickly found some of the sights, including a walk around the inside of the peaceful and picturesque St. Nicholai Church.

We meandered through a pedestrianised section of town, now much busier but still not crowded, browsing the sites, though as it was a holiday the 'regular' shops were closed but the touristy shops and cafes etc were all open and doing brisk business. The weather was certainly not hot (about 18 to 20C, 64 -68F) but it was quite bright and nice for walking in town. A quick refreshing tea and donut in that most German franchise.....Dunkin Donuts...and we continued onto the main Potsdam attraction of SansSoucci castle and grounds. Surprisingly, entry to the extensive grounds was free, though donations were accepted.

The grounds were very nice and we had a nice stroll round the terraces, through the trees taking in the various vistas.

The weather by now had warmed up quite a notch so we drove over to a large park and lake where we just lounged on a bench and enjoyed more tea from our ever-ready thermos flask. We spent a good while there, watching people rowing, swimming and enjoying tea on the lawn at an hotel on the opposite shore before heading back to Mahlow for our own teatime lasagne and salad, very nice.

My camera batteries are still dead so I've borrowed a few pictures from the Potsdam tourist site! Thanks for the tip, Gill!
Now we just need mum and Bridget and we can do it properly and even take some pictures of our own.

1 comment:

Gill Bentley said...

No worries Dad, you'll have to just make sure that you do eventually put up the real pics that you take whilst Nan & Bridget are there, just so that we know for sure that you went there!! :)