04 October, 2022

Destination Ontario

Maybe it was all too soon but having been away for more than four weeks we were ready to get back home so we packed up and left Dartmouth behind on 29th July. It took us what seemed like an age to actually leave Shubie Campground due to one or two people taking an age to dump their trailer waste etc but we did eventually get away. We stopped off at Nackawic to see the world's biggest axe. Apart from the axe it was a beautiful little town on the St. John river.
From there we drove a little further north to boondock at the site of what we think used to be a motel. It's now a gravelled area along the old trans Canada highway which is now a quiet secondary road but the site was right on the river (Sigahaw Cove) where there were lots of fish. No picture but I did catch my largest perch to date from the bank....

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