03 July, 2021

North Battleford to Stony Plain, day 8

 It was another bright and early start for us on our last westward bound leg of the trip. We has been the only boondocker in the parking lot overnight but now a few people were turning up to walk dogs or just exercise at the park on this beautiful day. Before joining the highway we headed to the Wal Mart shopping centre and gassed up and then joined highway 16 once again.

We crossed the Saskatchewan / Alberta in Lloydminster at 9.20am and travelled on to Vermillion where we celebrated with a Tim's coffee and doughnut.

We could hardly pass Vegreville without stopping in so we called into Kinsmen/Elk Park for some pictures at the lake and Pysanka.

We even managed to make it look like the trailer was still flying a Canadian flag as we did in Manitoba, albeit a bit smaller version.

After a while it was back in to the car and head off on this westward final final leg. We topped up with gas and headed for Stony Plain. Driving the highway along the northern edges of Edmonton was the busiest section of highway we'd encountered all the way. Regardless, we arrived at our Stony Plain destination incident free shortly after 2pm, YEAH!
We drove 431km this final day for a total of 3833km at an average speed of 73km/hr and 52 and a half hours of actual driving and around 700 litres of gas.
Time for a rest.


Juanita Penner said...

So glad that Bruce thought to forward us your travel blog! We've been thinking about you guys! We've stayed at Aaron and Rainbow Falls. On your way back, try to get into Kakabeka Falls in Thunder Bay. Beautiful park. Look forward to reading about more adventures! Juanita and Kevin

Unknown said...

Bonsoir à tous
Malgrés mon Anglais moins fort, je comprends que vous allez prendre vacance collectivement.
Je vous souhaite bon sejour.