24 April, 2011

Going up

As it has been more than two weeks since the basement was poured (6 April) and about 10 days (13 April) since it was back filled we took a trip out to the house on a wet Saturday to see the progress.
Last time the house was 'going down' as the basement was dug out but now the walls are going up. Now we just have to hope it stops raining soon.

From the living room to dining room to kitchen, breakfast area and family room at the back (Note ladder going to basement on the right).

Master bedroom

Family room with central fireplace and back door. Wall to master bedroom on the right.

Walk-in pantry in centre (to the left of the blue jacket!) and the back of the master walk-in closet on the extreme left.

Living room, looking out onto the road

23 April, 2011

Going down

Having made the commute to the east end for more than two years now we are looking to cut down on my commuting time and we also were pretty sure our current house is not one we're want to live in when we retire. So between shortening the commute and deciding we wanted a bungalow we've (more 'I've') been keeping my eyes open to see what we could find. Having looked in a few areas and not found the floorplan we like, not to mention the price, we were about to give up. Then I came across a new development and a floorplan and price that looked right.
We made a trip to the site and saw a couple of almost identical floorplan bungalows that were under construction but we we not overly impressed, partly because they were not the right floorplan and they were messy as they were still being put together.
We were not convinced.
We asked the sales agent if there were any homes with our desired floorplan that were complete and she put us in touch with a couple who had recently completed on a purchase and were glad to show us around their exact same bungalow / floorplan we liked. New home owners are always willing and proud to show off their new place! (Fortunately).
Having seen the finished product we were happy to put down a deposit and reserve our spot.

We soon put our existing house on the market and it was sold in about 3 weeks.
Sold by owner on www.grapevine.ca

On 6th April 2011 the bungalow basement was poured.
Here are the poured basement pictures.



Back corner