08 March, 2008

Two bits of wood and some white stuff

Somewhat overdue, here are some pictures of my first ski outing in more than five years. Abdi (from work) and I travelled by overnight train to Munich, transferred to Salzburg, transferred to Wrogl and finally transferred to St. Johann-in-Tirol when we donned our ski stuff. A word to the wise - next time take the overnight car train (http://www.autozug.de/) and drive the rest of the way! there was too much wasted time waiting for connections (1 1/2 hours just in Salzburg).
Abdi looking apprehensive as we near St. Johann- what have you let yourself in for!

Here comes Abdi!

It was Abdi's first time on skis (I had to wonder if he had even seen snow before!). It was a good weekend although I would have liked to do a bit more skiing but at least we had each other for company and with a beginner I was unlikely to do anything remotely risky.

On the train back to Berlin

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