24 March, 2008

Easter drive

Having stayed in most of the easter weekend as we had nowhere in particular to go, I am back to work tomorrow and the sun was shining and there was no snow on the ground this morning, it seemed like as good a day as any to go for a drive.

We set off off firstly for the bunker near Zossen just to discover where it was and it was easy enough to find but we'll actually go in there another day. Then we headed through the countryside, including some snowy woods, to Jueterborg where we had a quick look in the centre of this interesting looking town.
Then it was finally onto Wittenburg. This was where Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the church doors early in the 16th century, having found some discrepancy between what was taught in church and what the bible actually said!
Wittenburg is therefore a very important place for the protestant church and is the site of pilgrimmage for many from across the world.

In the pictures, the 'black and white'church is the church where the nailing of the theses took place.
The very small brick church (with the blue portaloo front and right!) is where Luther was put on trial.

Parish church of St. Mary's
behind the shops

If you take us with you when you visit we can show you a nice Italian restaurant that does very good pork medallions in Gorgonzola cheese sauce!

16 March, 2008

Switzerland, 35 years on!

Having not skiied for more than five years until I went last moth I have just returned from a nother ski weekend. This time we went to the small resort of Champex-Lac in Switzerland. Denise and I went down and met Steve, and his daughter Helen, from work who had gone there the day before us and came back the day after us. It was Helen's first time on skis so she gave all but the nursery slope a miss.


After a warm-up ski session on the Champex Lac nursery slope we headed to the large resort Verbier where Steve and I did some more serious skiing with aches to show for it. I had last visited Verbier on a summer holiday in August 1973.

Whoops, back on your feet!
Perhaps I'll just take a rest!

Steve's moment of glory

Move over, my turn at Champex-Lac
Still my go! Champex_lac nursery slope

On the drive back from Verbier to Champex-Lac

08 March, 2008

Two bits of wood and some white stuff

Somewhat overdue, here are some pictures of my first ski outing in more than five years. Abdi (from work) and I travelled by overnight train to Munich, transferred to Salzburg, transferred to Wrogl and finally transferred to St. Johann-in-Tirol when we donned our ski stuff. A word to the wise - next time take the overnight car train (http://www.autozug.de/) and drive the rest of the way! there was too much wasted time waiting for connections (1 1/2 hours just in Salzburg).
Abdi looking apprehensive as we near St. Johann- what have you let yourself in for!

Here comes Abdi!

It was Abdi's first time on skis (I had to wonder if he had even seen snow before!). It was a good weekend although I would have liked to do a bit more skiing but at least we had each other for company and with a beginner I was unlikely to do anything remotely risky.

On the train back to Berlin