10 November, 2007


Today started much like most other Saturdays here, a slow start to the day and a mid-morning coffee before going out on our English newspaper buying trip. Before we left the apartment the sun was out and the weather was bright although on the walk to the train there was a nip in the air.

Having bought the paper, once we arrived back in Mahlow, though the sun was still shining here, there were some ominous black clouds hanging over Berlin to the north.

It did not take long for rain, make that sleet, no, snow began falling! It didn't amount to much by our Canadian standards but below are a few pictures of the first snow of the winter.


Gill Bentley said...

Awwww. snow... I wish it would start here... I'd rather it be cold and we have snow than have nothing to show for the freezing tempretures!

Anonymous said...

Pretty Pictures dad :) But your right not much snow for our standards!!!! :)