23 September, 2007

Country drive

This weekend we are having what we hope is not a last fling of summer. It's been around 22C Saturday and Sunday and nice and sunny. Saturday saw us doing our regular shopping and taking a trip to Tegel airport to make sure we knew how long it takes to get there and get familiar with place. This might be useful if we get to fly out of there anytime soon! On the way back we got caught up in a parade protesting the 'Big Brother' state. As well as the protesters there were loads of German riot police around though there was no problems as far as we know but we didn't hang around to find out! After church today (probably the best service we've been at since we've been here incidentally) we went for a drive into the country. We drove to where we knew there is a canal and weir. I was hoping there would be a picnic spot there but there was not. We had our own two person tailgate party and took a couple of pictures. It was a nice drive and place but we couldn't get the pictures to do it justice. I did take some video but I do not have the necessary cables here to upload the video. The video also shows a man on the opposite river bank just as he caught quite a decent size fish for his tea but you will have to wait to see it.

1 comment:

Gill Bentley said...

Flying out soon..?!? where are you going I wonder..?

Only 2 weeks!!! I can't believe how quickly it has come around!

You'll be pleased to hear that it is still quite warm here, today was 26 degrees, its supposed to dip over the next couple of days, and be nice again for the weekend, which is gret since Daniel's Aunt and Uncle are here.

See you soon!!!
Gill x