19 June, 2007

Time to get honest

If you have followed the story so far you will know that on our reccy visit to Potsdam we could not take pictures because of a technical problem (dead camera batteries). That meant that we used pictures from the Potsdam tourist website for the blog. Now though, taa-dah!, we can post the evidence of our visit with mum and Bridget.

On Sunday we put it right by visiting Potsdam again, fully charged batteries and spares in the bag. We visited Sansoucci Castle and gardens (above), the 'New Palace' (below) at Sansoucci.
After that we stopped at a street cafe for a drink before heading off for a picnic at another castle where Winnie Churchill and the other victorious WW2 allies met to carve up Berlin. The castle was set in quite a large park that enclosed one lake and bordered another. It was a bit confusing until I looked at a map and saw it was two separate lakes, I had thought it was all the same one! The park also included a restaurant in a restored building which included pictures of the before and after restoration in the entrance way.

It was another nice day for sightseeing, not too hot or cold. We had planned to take a guided tour through the town but ran out of time which is a good thing I suppose.

The 'Winnie' castle in a nice park across from where we stopped for a picnic before doing the town. Unfortunately we couldn't figure out the car park payment system and we ended up at the barrier unable to get out through it and with a car behind us that we had to get to back up so we could reverse back into a parking spot and seek help. I ended up finding an attendant a little way up the road and she, a bit irately, let us out with a magic card after we crossed her palms with silver!

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