15 May, 2024

Forgot to put flowers in my hair!

But then again I don't have too much for flowers at the best of times but just before we left for San Francisco I had a haircut. So having thought about a trip to SF early in the year we postponed it but managed to get there at the end of April 2024 for 5 nights. We stayed in an Airbnb near Bernal Heights from where we could get great views though it was a little breezy up there! Over the days we visited Pier 39, Lombard Street (the wiggly bit!), Alcaltraz (out favourite bit of our visit) Muir Woods, Sausilito, Old Faithful geyser, USS Hornet, various lookouts over the Golden Gate Bridge, drove through Napa Valley and started down the Pacific Highway until a mist rolling in from the ocean made it pointless to continue. If you pay attention you might spot that we visited the USS Hornet on two different days. That was because it was closed on the first day we went so we returned the next day to actually get aboard. We also visited Golden Gate Park but due to an injury of a twisted ankle we did not explore as much of it as we would have liked. Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5