03 July, 2009

Best intentions

I do try to keep this blog update but time seems to run away from me. So here are some pictures of the last three months picture worthy events.

In early May we went to Algonquin Park to spot a moose - we actually, really, did see TWO but they were too quick for us to get the camera out -especially as we were driving at the time. However we did a couple of hikes through the woods and around a lake or two as you can see.

May 23rd saw Madisyn's FIRST birthday party, although technically she was one and one day...

In June Den's mum and sister came for a two week visit from the UK.....

I think Sarah will work out cell phones long before great grandma!!

Who are these funny people?

during which time we also spent some time downtown Ottawa as well as Pinhey Point (only 20 minutes from home but never been there before)....

....Gill did the 5k Barrhaven run...(red shirt #321....and she came in ahead of her shirt number)

...then we had a walk around Pink Lake in Gatineau park, Quebec.....